Thursday, July 7, 2011

One Lucky Kid

I just want to brag for a second about how amazing my husband is! Throughout 9 whole months of pregnancy... child birth... the first few days of NO sleep... the emotional ups and downs I have gone through... and I'm sure countless other things I have done to him, he has been AMAZING! He is up for at least one of the feedings during the night giving Carter a bottle. He changes almost all the diapers from the time he gets home from work until he leaves again in the morning. He even is cooking dinner each and every night. I don't know what I would do without him. He is truly my best friend and the the most amazing dad! I can't wait till Carter and he can start doing all the "guy" things I know Todd is anxious to teach him.


Jackson Family said...

so cute!

Tony and Traci said...

Carter is a lucky baby. He has some pretty sweet parents. I love the pictures.