Monday, July 18, 2011

Book Shower

My great friend Belinda threw Carter and I a fabulous Book Shower this past weekend. It was such a cute idea. She has had a close connection with my family for a very long time and over the past few years I have been able to get to know her on a more personal level which has been so much fun. She has such a talent for this kind of thing (even if she doesn't think so). It was absolutely beautiful!

Since Carter and I have already had the typical baby shower she wanted to throw one for just family members and since I didn't need much of the "traditional" gifts the books were perfect! The teacher in me was so giddy as I opened up each gift. We were able to get such a variety of gifts.

Today's job is to get the library all set up in his bedroom. I think I need to convince either Grandpa Dan to build a new bookshelf or Todd to let me buy one so his books will all fit!

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